The sea creatures quiz

Under water with Arcimboldo

How well do you know the sea and its inhabitants? Try to guess and learn more about the mysterious underwater world!

Take a deep breath and dive in

Well, well, well, who do we have here? A head made up of over 60 different marine creatures looks back at us. The eye is formed by an ocean sunfish, the cheek by a ray, and the mouth by a shark. The ear is a shell, with a pearl as an earring hanging from it. On her head sits a crown made of sea urchin spines.

The painting is called Water and was painted by the artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo around 500 years ago for Emperor Maximilian II. It is one of a series of four pictures of the elements: Fire, Water, Earth, and Air.


Wow, look at all the different animals!

The elements

The Italian artist used his imagination to compose his extraordinary heads from objects, plants, or animals. Arcimboldo probably observed and sketched some of the creatures shown here in the emperor's zoos.

Learn more about Arcimboldo's four elements:
Chapter III: New Year's menu for the emperor →


Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Earth, c.1566. LIECHTENSTEIN, The Princely Collections, Vaduz – Vienna © LIECHTENSTEIN, The Princely Collections, Vaduz – Vienna/SCALA, Florence


Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Air, c.1566. Switzerland, private collection


Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Water, 1566. Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Picture Gallery © KHM-Museumsverband


Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Fire, 1566. Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Picture Gallery © KHM-Museumsverband

Explore the exhibition

Are you curious? A free kids’s booklet for young visitors aged 6 to 10 awaits you at the exhibition. This way, you can explore the exhibition on your own – Emilio and his friends will guide you!